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Many zentai enthusiasts wear their Catsuits&Zentai without family or friends knowing. Because they are not sure their reactions, they worry about that family might be against them. As far as we know, most of people think zentai belongs to fetish, or connect it with Halloween costume. They can’t completely understand why people like them. That’s real a pity. Well, for zentai enthusiasts, that is the best feeling of staying in the suit. It’s comfortable, tight, and sexy. Actually, there is a few of people could be tolerant for the hobby.
In addition, it is hard to convince others to like them. So, finally, they don’t tell their family or friends they love zentai so much. Sometimes, it really makes people upset that keep their interesting secret! Some of zentai enthusiasts have tired to hide their secrets. They just can share their story, Lycra experience, and zentai photos at related forums, Facebook or some other social websites. They wear the suit when there are no other people at home. They need huge brave to wear the outfit at the street or other public place. They just wear the suits at some special occasions. In a word, it’s feeling so bad to hide the things they like.
Fortunately, most of my friends accept zentai. Even though I tell them I am fond of the Shiny Metallic Zentai Suits, they think it’s something funny and new, it is just another culture. They would like to ask me the information about it, and they also think the zentai pictures of mine look so cool!
If you are not sure whether you should get the secret out or not at present, you would better to keep it in your mind. Maybe they need to more time to know and accept it. However, you are not alone, at least I am here for you!